Universo impresionante

Sin muchas palabras, un par de fotos impactantes acerca de nuestro universo. Resulta que la NASA ha seguido con sus planes de exploración de aquello que el ser humano siempre ha visto como inalcanzable.

La primera de las fotos, muestra a nuestra vieja Tierra, nuestro planeta visto desde el espacio, ligeramente iluminado por el Sol. Realmente impresionante.

All Is Illuminated

The Optical Spectroscopic and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) camera on board the Rosetta spacecraft observed Earth during its swing-by in November 2007. A sun-illuminated crescent can be seen around Antarctica in this image that is a color composite combining images obtained at various wavelengths. Rosetta will orbit comet 67P and accompany it on its journey to the sun. Rosetta has a complex trajectory including three Earth and one Mars gravity assist maneuver before finally reaching the comet. On arrival at 67P, Rosetta will enter orbit around the comet and stay with it as it journeys in towards the sun.

This image was taken with Rosetta's Wide Angle Camera, about 2 hours before its closest approach to Earth.


La segunda, una espectacular foto de Mercurio:

A View of the Horizon

As NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft drew closer to Mercury for its historic first flyby, the spacecraft acquired this image showing a variety of surface textures, including smooth plains at the center of the image, numerous impact craters and rough material that appears to have been ejected from the large crater to the lower left. The more than 1,200 images acquired by MESSENGER will assist in the scientific study of the history and evolution of the innermost planet.

Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Sin dudas, el universo es una maravilla que aún no terminamos de descubrir.

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